हामी तपाइँलाइ विश्वसंग एकाकार गराउँनेछाैं।ताजा खवर, विश्लेषण र खबरभित्रकाे खबरकाे लागि हामीसंगै रहनुहाेला।धन्यवाद।।
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
माओवादी मन्त्री देव गुरुङ्गको संयोजकत्वमा उच्चस्तरीय राजनीतिक समिति गठन
सरकार सञ्चालनका लागि सुझाव दिने उद्देश्यले माओवादी नेता देव गुरुङको संयोजकत्वमा उच्चस्तरीय राजनीतिक संयन्त्र गठन भएको छ। प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारमा बसेको सत्तारुढ ६ दलको बैठकले संयन्त्र गठन गरेको हो। अस्थायी रुपमा गुरुङलाई संयोजक तोकिए पनि स्थायीरुपमा पछि संयोजक तोकिने सहमति बैठकले गरेको छ। संयन्त्रमा माओवादीका तर्फबाट अर्का नेता वर्षमान पुन अनन्त सहभागी हुनुहुन्छ भने एमालेका तर्फबाट पूर्व महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपाल र सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे सदस्य हुनुहुन्छ। यस्तै, संयन्त्रमा मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमका तर्फबाट अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादव र शरदसिंह भण्डारी, सद्भावना पार्टीका तर्फबाट सहअध्यक्ष लक्ष्मणलाल कर्ण र रामनारायण सिंह, जनमोर्चाका तर्फबाट लीलामण पोखरेल र गिरिराजमणि पोखरेल तथा नेकपा संयुक्तका तर्फबाट चन्द्रदेव जोशी र सुनील मानन्धर रहनुभएको छ। एमालेका तर्फबाट पूर्व महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपालको नाम पार्टीले पठाए पनि उहाँ भने आजको बैठकमा सहभागी नहुनुभएको स्रोतले बताएको छ। संयन्त्रमा सत्तारुढ ६ दलबाट दुई जनाका दरले प्रतिनिधि राख्ने निर्णय दलहरुले गरेका थिए।
रामहरिका हत्याराको निलम्बन फुकुवा

Sunday, October 26, 2008
माओवादी अध्यक्ष छाड्न तयार
सेना समायोजन समितिको अध्यक्ष पद त्याग्न माओवादी तयार भएको छ । कार्तिक ८ गते सिंहदरवारस्थित मन्त्रीपरिषद कार्यलयमा प्रधानमन्त्री तथा माओवादी अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्डसँग भेटेपछि नेपाली कांग्रेस उपसभापति रामचन्द्र पौडेलले यो जानकारी दिएका हुन् । सेना समायोजन समिति गठनबारे सहमति जुटाउन प्रधानमन्त्रीले मन्त्रीपरिषदको बैठक स्थगित गरेर नेपाली कांग्रेस नेताहरुलाई भेटेका थिए । माओवादीले पहिले समितिको अध्यक्षमा आफ्नै प्रतिनिधि हुनुपर्ने अडान राखेको थियो ।
प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग करिब एक घण्टा लामो छलफलपछि कांग्रेस उपसभापति पौडेलले संचारकर्मीहरुसँग कुरा गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्रीले समितिमा एक जना मन्त्री पनि राख्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव गरेको जानकारी दिए । समितिमा यसअघि प्रमुख चार दलका प्रतिनिधि मात्र रहने बताइएको थियो । 'तर, हामीले उहाँको प्रस्ताव मानेका छैनौं' पौडेलले भने ।
प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग करिब एक घण्टा लामो छलफलपछि कांग्रेस उपसभापति पौडेलले संचारकर्मीहरुसँग कुरा गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्रीले समितिमा एक जना मन्त्री पनि राख्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव गरेको जानकारी दिए । समितिमा यसअघि प्रमुख चार दलका प्रतिनिधि मात्र रहने बताइएको थियो । 'तर, हामीले उहाँको प्रस्ताव मानेका छैनौं' पौडेलले भने ।
Saturday, October 25, 2008
सेना समायोजन समिति बनेन
सेना समायोजन समिति गठनबारे राजनीतिक सहमति बन्न नसकेपछि मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकले त्यसबारे कुनै निर्णय गर्न सकेन । कार्तिक ९ गते प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारमा बसेको मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकपछि संचारकर्मीहरुसँग कुरा गर्दै सूचना तथा संचारमन्त्री कृष्णबहादुर महराले कार्तिक १२ गते मन्त्रीपरिषदको अर्को बैठक बस्ने जानकारी दिए । १२ गते हुने बैठकले सेना समायोजन समिति गठनबारे निर्णय गर्ने वा नगर्नेबारे महराले केही भन्न चाहेनन् ।
मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकले मन्त्रालयका १६ सचिवहरुको सरुवा सरुवा गरेको छ । मन्त्री महराका अनुसार, सूचना तथा संचार मन्त्रालयका युवराज पाण्डे श्रममा, उमेश मैनाली प्रधानमन्त्रीको कार्यालयबाट वातावरणमा, जनकराज जोशी उद्योगबाट योजना आयोगमा, श्याम मैनाली श्रमबाट युवामा, छविप्रसाद पन्त सूचना तथा संचारबाट संस्कृतिमा, शंकरप्रसाद पाण्डे युवाबाट प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयमा, रामचन्द्रमान सिंह प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयबाट पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययनमा, दिपेन्द्रबिक्रम थापा सामान्यबाट सूचना तथा संचारमा, पूण्यप्रसाद न्यौपाने समाज कल्याणबाट स्थानीयमा, बालानन्द पौडेल शिक्षाबाट सामान्य प्रशासनमा र ताना गौतम प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयबाट उद्योगमा सरुवा भएका छन् ।
मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकले २० जनालाई कामू सचिव नियुक्त गरेको छ भने कृष्णप्रसाद श्रेष्ठलाई नेपाल प्रहरीको डिआइजीबाट एआइजीमा बढुवा गरेको छ ।
मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकले मन्त्रालयका १६ सचिवहरुको सरुवा सरुवा गरेको छ । मन्त्री महराका अनुसार, सूचना तथा संचार मन्त्रालयका युवराज पाण्डे श्रममा, उमेश मैनाली प्रधानमन्त्रीको कार्यालयबाट वातावरणमा, जनकराज जोशी उद्योगबाट योजना आयोगमा, श्याम मैनाली श्रमबाट युवामा, छविप्रसाद पन्त सूचना तथा संचारबाट संस्कृतिमा, शंकरप्रसाद पाण्डे युवाबाट प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयमा, रामचन्द्रमान सिंह प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयबाट पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययनमा, दिपेन्द्रबिक्रम थापा सामान्यबाट सूचना तथा संचारमा, पूण्यप्रसाद न्यौपाने समाज कल्याणबाट स्थानीयमा, बालानन्द पौडेल शिक्षाबाट सामान्य प्रशासनमा र ताना गौतम प्रधानमन्त्री कार्यालयबाट उद्योगमा सरुवा भएका छन् ।
मन्त्रीपरिषद बैठकले २० जनालाई कामू सचिव नियुक्त गरेको छ भने कृष्णप्रसाद श्रेष्ठलाई नेपाल प्रहरीको डिआइजीबाट एआइजीमा बढुवा गरेको छ ।
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
ग्रेट नेपालको नक्सा र्सार्वजनिक
एकीकृत नेपाल राष्ट्रिय मोर्चाले राजधानीको थानकोटमा ग्रेटर नेपाल - टिस्टादेखि सतलजसम्मको भूभाग अंकित) नक्सा र्सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । १० फिट लामो र ४ फिट चौडा ग्रेटर नेपालको नक्सा थानकोट प्रहरी पोष्ट अगाडिको चोकमा कोणसभाका आयोजना गरी र्सार्वजनीक गरिएको छ । एक जुलुससहित थानकोट प्रहरी पोष्ट पुगेका थानकोटका बासिन्दाले भारतीय विस्तारवाद विरुद्ध चर्को नाराबाजी गर्दै ग्रेटर नेपालको पक्षमा नारा लगाएका थिए ।उक्त कार्यक्रममा मोर्चाले ग्रेटर नेपालको नक्सा टा“ग्ने कार्यक्रम देशब्यापीरुपमा गर्ने घोषणा गरेको छ । कोणसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै मोर्चाका अध्यक्ष फणीन्द्र नेपालले ग्रेटर नेपालका निम्ति आन्दोलन जारी राख्न्ो बताउ“दै ग्रेटर नेपाल कायम हु“दा नेपालको पर्ूर्वी सीमाना बंगलादेशस“ग जोडिने भएकोले यसबाट नेपालले पारवहनको समस्याबाट मुक्ति पाउने बताउनुभयो ।
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Govt decides to give Nagarjuna palace to ex-King
The cabinet meeting Wednesday decided to give the Nagarjuna palace to ex-King Gyanendra.
after the cabinet meeting in Baluwatar, communication minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara said the ex-royal couple would be entitled to stay in Nagarjuna palace "for the time being".
They have only been given the residential building, not the vast forest area the hill-top palace covers, he informed.
The cabinet decision came after the ex-King requested the government to make arrangement for his residence as he was vacating the Narayahiti royal palace. He made the request during his meeting with Home Minister KrishnaSitaula on Monday.
Located on the north of Kathmandu and surrounded by 15,000-ropani jungle,the Nagarjuna palace has three modern bungalows. It used to be a summer retreat for the monarchs in the past.
after the cabinet meeting in Baluwatar, communication minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara said the ex-royal couple would be entitled to stay in Nagarjuna palace "for the time being".
They have only been given the residential building, not the vast forest area the hill-top palace covers, he informed.
The cabinet decision came after the ex-King requested the government to make arrangement for his residence as he was vacating the Narayahiti royal palace. He made the request during his meeting with Home Minister KrishnaSitaula on Monday.
Located on the north of Kathmandu and surrounded by 15,000-ropani jungle,the Nagarjuna palace has three modern bungalows. It used to be a summer retreat for the monarchs in the past.
shree 3 prachanda
Friday, May 23, 2008
Maoists suspend 'Bibidh'
The Maoists have suspended Bibidh from the position of commander of thirddivision of People's Liberation Army (PLA).
In a statement issued by Maoist deputy commander Prabhakar, it has been informed that he was suspended to ease the investigation into the killing of Ramhari Shrestha.
The Maoists as well as the government have formed investigation committees to probe the incident.
In a statement issued by Maoist deputy commander Prabhakar, it has been informed that he was suspended to ease the investigation into the killing of Ramhari Shrestha.
The Maoists as well as the government have formed investigation committees to probe the incident.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
एमाले महाधिवेशन मंसिर १ गते

एमालेको आठौं महाधिवेशन आउँदो मंसिर १ देखि ५ सम्म काठमाडौंमा हुने भएको छ । एमालेका नवनियुक्त महासचिव झलनाथ खनालको अध्यक्षतामा जेठ ५ बसेको एमाले केन्द्रीय कमिटीको १९ औं बैठकले यो निर्णय गरेको हो । बैठकमा खनालले अहिलेको कार्यनीति, कार्यभार तथा कार्यबिभाजन नामको राजनीतिक प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए । एमाले बैठकले केही महत्वपूर्ण कार्यबिभाजनसमेत गरेको छ । बैठकले एमालेको सचिवालय सचिवमा स्थायी समिति सदस्य युवराज ज्ञवाली, प्रचार प्रमुखमा इश्वर पोखरेल, संगठन प्रमुखमा अमृतकुमार बोहरा, बिदेश बिभाग प्रमुखमा माधवकुमार नेपाल, पार्टी स्कुल बिभाग प्रमुखमा केपी ओलीलाई चयन गरेको छ ।
श्रेष्ठको हत्याको घटनालाई राजनीतिक रंग नदिन प्रचण्डको आह्वान

बैशाख १५ गते काठमाडौं कोटेश्वरबाट माओवादी जनमुक्ति सेनाको चितवन शक्तिखोर लगिएका श्रेष्ठको मृत्यु भएको खबर माओवादीले जेठ २ गते बेलुका दिएको थियो । श्रेष्ठको अपहरण तथा हत्याको बिरोधमा जेठ ३ गतेदेखि काठमाडौं कोटेश्वर तथा नयाँ बानेश्वर इलाकामा प्रदर्शन भइरहेको छ ।
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Badal blasts calls for dissolving YCL

Ram Bahadur Thapa Badal, addressing a programme in Chitwan, Saturday, said, “Such demands for dissolution of YCL are results of unbalanced mindset.”He added that if they continue demanding dissolution of YCL, his party would also demand dissolution of NC and UML, which, he claimed, were responsible in the past for the deaths of 10,000 people in the conflict. He, however, said that the parties could make demands for taking action against YCL cadres who have erred.Badal said his party will also cooperate in taking action against erring YCL cadres.
MJF not joining Maoist-led government: Yadav

This remark by the MJF strongman comes a day after senior Maoist leader Dr. Baburam Bhattarai affirmed at a program in Birgunj on Friday that the CPN (Maoist) is forming a coalition government by joining hands with all Madhesi parties, including the MJF.
"Madhesi Janadhikar Forum does not have the people's mandate to join the government," Yadav told Saturday, "I don't know on what basis Baburam ji (Dr Baburam Bhattarai) made this remark but there has not been any discussion on the possibility of joining the government."
'गठवन्धनबाटै अघि बढ्नुपर्छ'
प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले दलहरुबीचको गठवन्धन संस्कारको बिकाशबाट मात्र मुलुक अघि बढ्ने बताएका छन् । राजधानीमा जेठ ४ गते सुरु तीन दिने फोटो प्रदर्शनीको उदघाटन गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्रीले मुलुकमा अहिले गठवन्धन संस्कारको बिकाश भएको उल्लेख गरे तथा गठवन्धन संस्कारभन्दा पृथक ढंगले कोही अघि बढ्न नसक्ने धारणा राखे ।
कार्यक्रममा प्रधानमन्त्रीले प्रेस स्वतन्त्रतालाई सबैले आत्मासाथ गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिए । 'प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता बिना लोकतन्त्र संस्थागत हुन सक्दैन र म पूर्णरुपमा प्रेस स्वतन्त्रताको पक्षमा छु' कोइरालाले भने । प्रदर्शनीमा २०६२/६३ को जनआन्दोलन यताका महत्वपूर्ण तश्वीरहरु राखिएका छन् ।
कार्यक्रममा प्रधानमन्त्रीले प्रेस स्वतन्त्रतालाई सबैले आत्मासाथ गर्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिए । 'प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता बिना लोकतन्त्र संस्थागत हुन सक्दैन र म पूर्णरुपमा प्रेस स्वतन्त्रताको पक्षमा छु' कोइरालाले भने । प्रदर्शनीमा २०६२/६३ को जनआन्दोलन यताका महत्वपूर्ण तश्वीरहरु राखिएका छन् ।
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
King Gyanendra urges all adult citizens to exercise democratic right in election

In a message he addressed to 'beloved countrymen' on the eve of Constituent Assembly election, Wednesday, King Gyanendra has urged all the adult citizens to exercise their democratic right in a free and fair environment.
King Gyanendra (File photo)
The message issued a day before the election, which is widely expected to remove monarchy, King Gyanendra has said, "It has always been our desire to ensure that under no circumstance are the nation's existence, independence and integrity compromised and to build a prosperous and peaceful nation through a democratic polity in keeping with the verdict of the sovereign people."
"While upholding mutual harmony and unity during the elections to the Constituent Assembly being held on April 10, 2008, we call upon all adult citizens to exercise their democratic right in a free and fair environment," he has added.
King Gyanendra (File photo)
The message issued a day before the election, which is widely expected to remove monarchy, King Gyanendra has said, "It has always been our desire to ensure that under no circumstance are the nation's existence, independence and integrity compromised and to build a prosperous and peaceful nation through a democratic polity in keeping with the verdict of the sovereign people."
"While upholding mutual harmony and unity during the elections to the Constituent Assembly being held on April 10, 2008, we call upon all adult citizens to exercise their democratic right in a free and fair environment," he has added.
Friday, March 07, 2008
'राजनीतिक ब्यक्तिलाई सेनामा प्रवेश छैन'
नेपाली सेनाका प्रवक्ता रमिन्द्र क्षेत्रीले राजनीतिमा सक्रिय रहेकालाई सेनामा समावेश गर्न नमिल्ने बताएका छन् । फागुन २४ गते नेपाली सेनाको कल्याणकारी कोषमा भएको रकम सार्वजनिक गर्न जङ्गी अड्डा भद्रकालीमा आयोजित कार्यक्रमपछि संचारकर्मीहरुलाई प्रतिक्रिया दिदै क्षेत्रीले राजनीतिबाट अलग भएपछि मात्र सेनामा समावेश गरिने बिश्वब्यापी मान्यता भएको उल्लेख गरे । सरकार र माओवादीबीच गत वर्ष भएको बिस्तृत शान्ति सम्झौतामा पनि माओवादी छापामारलाई सेनामै समावेश गरिने उल्लेख नभएको क्षेत्रीले बताए ।
सरकार र मधेशी मोर्चाबीचको सहमति अनुसार मधेशीहरू समूहगतरुपमा सेनामा प्रवेश हुने या नहुनेबारे संचारकर्मीहरुले सोधेको जिज्ञाशामा सेनाका प्रवक्ता क्षेत्रीले विधीसम्मत बनेको सरकारले विधीसम्मत निर्देशन दिए सेनाले मान्ने उल्लेख गरे । विधीसम्मत बनेको सरकारले नकारात्मक निर्देशन दिन्छ भन्ने सेनालाई नलागेको पनि क्षेत्रीको भनाइ थियो । 'सरकारले सेनालाई विधीसम्मत र ठिक निर्देशन मात्र दिन्छ भन्ने सेनाको बिश्वास छ' क्षेत्रीले भने ।
कार्यक्रममा सेनाको कल्याणकारी योजना निर्देशनालयका निर्देशक कुमार बुढाथोकीले कोषको स्थिती सार्वजनिक गरेका थिए । बुढाथोकीका अनुसार, कोषमा अहिले ११ अर्व १७ करोड ७३ लाख ३६ हजार रुपैयाँ छ । बुढाथोकीले १ अर्व ६६ करोड बेरुजु रहेको पनि जानकारी दिए । नेपाली सेना संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ अर्न्तगत शान्ति सेनामा जाने सैनिकले पाउने भत्ता कटाएर कोषमा जम्मा गर्ने गरिन्छ ।
सरकार र मधेशी मोर्चाबीचको सहमति अनुसार मधेशीहरू समूहगतरुपमा सेनामा प्रवेश हुने या नहुनेबारे संचारकर्मीहरुले सोधेको जिज्ञाशामा सेनाका प्रवक्ता क्षेत्रीले विधीसम्मत बनेको सरकारले विधीसम्मत निर्देशन दिए सेनाले मान्ने उल्लेख गरे । विधीसम्मत बनेको सरकारले नकारात्मक निर्देशन दिन्छ भन्ने सेनालाई नलागेको पनि क्षेत्रीको भनाइ थियो । 'सरकारले सेनालाई विधीसम्मत र ठिक निर्देशन मात्र दिन्छ भन्ने सेनाको बिश्वास छ' क्षेत्रीले भने ।
कार्यक्रममा सेनाको कल्याणकारी योजना निर्देशनालयका निर्देशक कुमार बुढाथोकीले कोषको स्थिती सार्वजनिक गरेका थिए । बुढाथोकीका अनुसार, कोषमा अहिले ११ अर्व १७ करोड ७३ लाख ३६ हजार रुपैयाँ छ । बुढाथोकीले १ अर्व ६६ करोड बेरुजु रहेको पनि जानकारी दिए । नेपाली सेना संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ अर्न्तगत शान्ति सेनामा जाने सैनिकले पाउने भत्ता कटाएर कोषमा जम्मा गर्ने गरिन्छ ।
माओवादीद्वारा चुनावी घोषणापत्र सार्वजनिक

संघीय गणतान्त्रिक राज्यव्यवस्था तथा नयाँ सङ्क्रमणकालीन अर्थनीति आफ्नो मुख्य एजेण्डा हुने उसले बताएको छ।
नेकपा माओवादीले चुनावी घोषणापत्रलाई पार्टीको प्रतिवद्धतापत्र नाम दिएको छ।
राजधानीको एउटा पाँचतारे होटेलमा शुक्रबार साँझ आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले , उनकै शब्दमा, बलिदानपूर्ण संघर्षको नेतृत्व गर्दा नयाँ नेपालबारे आफुहरुले देखेको सपनालाई नै लिपिबद्ध गरेर घोषणापत्र बनाएको जनाए।
अन्य पार्टीहरुले आर्थिक उदारीकरण तथा सुधारमा प्रतिबद्धता जनाइरहेको अवस्थामा माओवादीको आर्थिक नीति के हुने हो भन्ने कौतुहलता थुप्रैमा छ।
घोषणापत्र मस्यौदा समितिका संयोजक डा बाबुराम भट्टराइले भने, "नेपालमा राष्ट्रिय औद्योगिक पूँजीवादको विकासको निम्ति एउटा सङ्क्रमणकालीन अर्थनीति चाहिन्छ। त्यसको कार्यान्वयन भएमा दश वर्षमा प्रतिव्यक्ति आय ३०० बाट ३००० डलर र बीस वर्षमा ८ देखि १० हजार डलर पुग्नेछ। आगामी ४० वर्षमा त नेपाल विश्वको एक सम्पन्नतम मुलुकमा परिणत हुन सक्दछ।"
चुनाव पछि राज्यको नयाँ स्वरुप कस्तो हुने भन्ने प्रष्ट हुनुभन्दा पहिले आफ्ना पार्टी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डलाई नेपालको भावी राष्ट्रपतिको रुपमा प्रस्तुत गरेपछि उत्पन्न प्रतिक्रियाबारे डा भट्टराईले नयाँ नेपालको निम्ति नयाँ विचार र नयाँ नेतृत्व चाहिने बताए।
सत्तारुढ गठबन्धनका अरु प्रमुख घटकहरु नेपाली कांग्रेस तथा नेकपा एमालेले पनि आ-आफ्ना घोषणापत्र छिट्टै सार्वजनिक गर्ने तयारी गरीरेहेको जनाएका छन्।
एक छुट्टै प्रसंगमा आफु उठेको काठमाण्डूको निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा माओवादीले आधिकारिक उम्मेदवारलाई जित्न सघाउन थप उम्मेदवार उठाएको भनेर पत्रिकामा आएको चर्चाबारे प्रचण्डले स्पष्ट जवाफ दिएनन्।
तर उनले त्यहि आधार मानेर निर्वाचन आयोगले आफुलाई स्पष्टिकरण सोधेकोमा भने खुलेरै विरोध गरे।
Thursday, January 24, 2008
SPA stalls Free Student Union poll
The seven-party alliance took a decisions of the election of the Free Student Union topostponed. likewise ,the meeting of the steering committe took decescion to cancel the the Rs 1 million that the government had planned to issue to each lawmaker for the constituency development program and the plan to form new mechanism to run local bodies.
Emerging from the SPA steering committee meeting o fmonday, leaders informed that the FSU poll has been put off as it could impede the preparations for the April 10 Constituent Assembly elections. before this ,the tu has published annotice to hold election on feb 28.
“Though CPN-UML had been insisting that the FSU poll should be held as scheduled on Falgun 16, but the parties have decided stall it considering the upcoming CA elections,” leader of the Left Front CP Mainali informed. “The election would be held immediately after the CA elections.”
For long the SPA leaders were divided over whether the FSU poll would support the April 10 vote or impede it.
Emerging from the SPA steering committee meeting o fmonday, leaders informed that the FSU poll has been put off as it could impede the preparations for the April 10 Constituent Assembly elections. before this ,the tu has published annotice to hold election on feb 28.
“Though CPN-UML had been insisting that the FSU poll should be held as scheduled on Falgun 16, but the parties have decided stall it considering the upcoming CA elections,” leader of the Left Front CP Mainali informed. “The election would be held immediately after the CA elections.”
For long the SPA leaders were divided over whether the FSU poll would support the April 10 vote or impede it.
Monday, January 14, 2008
First SPA hunting: Leaders call it “commitment” assembly for CA polls

The seven-party alliance held its first joint rally, which is expected to jumpstart their electoral campaign for the Constituent Assembly elections, at the Open Air Theatre at Ratnapark in the capital Monday afternoon.
Nepali Congress senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba, UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, Maoist Chairman Prachanda along with top leaders of the SPA addressed their joint electoral campaign.
Congress President and Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala could not attend the mass meeting due to his health condition. Yesterday, doctors have advised the ailing octogenarian leader to take complete rest for a few days.
Addressing the joint assembly, the top SPA leaders said that the joint assembly was a “commitment assembly” to show the Nepali people and the world at large that they are serious and want to the go to the CA elections this time around.
They added that parties and the people from all regions must stand united for the elections as elements opposed to democracy were still plotting against the critical vote.
UML General Secretary Nepal said that a truly inclusive democracy can be established only by uprooting feudalism, and for that there is no alternative to go to the elections in a collective manner.
He also urged all the parties to vow to religiously adhere to all the agreements among them and not to resort to any blame game that could thwart the elections.
Maoist Chairman Prachanda said that the joint assembly was a commitment to make a new federal republican Nepal through the CA elections and a challenge to all those opposed to the progressive chance in the country.
Referring to his last year’s proposal to hold the joint assembly of the seven parties across the country, especially in the Terai, Prachanda said that had the other parties accepted the proposal then much of the prevailing crises could have been averted.
Only the royalists, feudal and foreign reactionary, disintegrating forces, and imperial forces could be opposed to the CA elections,” he said
Nepali Congress senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba, UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, Maoist Chairman Prachanda along with top leaders of the SPA addressed their joint electoral campaign.
Congress President and Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala could not attend the mass meeting due to his health condition. Yesterday, doctors have advised the ailing octogenarian leader to take complete rest for a few days.
Addressing the joint assembly, the top SPA leaders said that the joint assembly was a “commitment assembly” to show the Nepali people and the world at large that they are serious and want to the go to the CA elections this time around.
They added that parties and the people from all regions must stand united for the elections as elements opposed to democracy were still plotting against the critical vote.
UML General Secretary Nepal said that a truly inclusive democracy can be established only by uprooting feudalism, and for that there is no alternative to go to the elections in a collective manner.
He also urged all the parties to vow to religiously adhere to all the agreements among them and not to resort to any blame game that could thwart the elections.
Maoist Chairman Prachanda said that the joint assembly was a commitment to make a new federal republican Nepal through the CA elections and a challenge to all those opposed to the progressive chance in the country.
Referring to his last year’s proposal to hold the joint assembly of the seven parties across the country, especially in the Terai, Prachanda said that had the other parties accepted the proposal then much of the prevailing crises could have been averted.
Only the royalists, feudal and foreign reactionary, disintegrating forces, and imperial forces could be opposed to the CA elections,” he said
Govt rolls back fuel price hike

Industry, Commerce and Supplies minister Shyam Sundar Gupta said the government has decided to roll back the price hike taking into account the problems caused by it to ordinary citizens. An informal meeting of the Council of Ministers directed the Nepal Oil Corporation to revoke the hike in the price of diesel, kerosene and cooking gas.
Citing its growing losses and the rise in crude oil prices in the international market, the NOC had on Monday increased the price of diesel to Rs 61 per liter from Rs 56, LP gas Rs 1,250 per cylinder from Rs 1100 and kerosene to 61 per litre from Rs 51.
Student organisations and ordinary citizens took to the street against the price hike from early next morning. Demonstrations continued around the country today as well while the capital Kathmandu remained shut due to the shutdown strike called by CPN (Unified).
With the withdrawal of the price hike, Kathmandu Valley returned to normalcy. Student organizations held a victory rally celebrating the price hike roll back.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
NA Chief indicates he is against integrating politically indoctrinated combatants

The Chief of Nepali Army (NA) General Rookmangud Katawal has indicated that he is against integrating the politically indoctrinated Maoist combatants into the army.
Talking to reporters at the airport before he left for China, General Katawal said that the NA does not believe in any political 'isms.'
His comments have come in the wake of debates on the integration of Maoist combatants into the NA following the submission of verification report by the UNMIN.
General Katawal further said that the NA, as a professional army, is not guided by any 'political ideology' but only the 'chain of command' system.
He said NA would always fight for the sake of 'peace and stability' in the country.
Talking to reporters at the airport before he left for China, General Katawal said that the NA does not believe in any political 'isms.'
His comments have come in the wake of debates on the integration of Maoist combatants into the NA following the submission of verification report by the UNMIN.
General Katawal further said that the NA, as a professional army, is not guided by any 'political ideology' but only the 'chain of command' system.
He said NA would always fight for the sake of 'peace and stability' in the country.
PM Koirala's health improving

PM Koirala who is under close observation of doctors from the past 11 days met three media persons including a television reporter and a photo journalist to dispel worries about his health among the people.
"I am sure you are assured (about my health) now?" the ailing 84-year-old leader asked,"Now you can go."
Sitting in a chair donning a overcoat, Daura Suruwal and his trademark Bhadgaule topi, Koirala was taking artificial oxygen through a breathing device as he spoke to the journalist.
Immediately after this doctors involved in his treatment held a press conference in Baluwatar and informed that the prime minister's health is improving.
33,000 refugees to be resettled by 2009
The Kathmandu-based representatives of the Core Group of Nations working closely with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to support the refugees from Bhutan has stated that in 2008 more than 13,000 refugees will be resettled from Nepal.
"By the end of 2009, we hope that an additional 20,000 or more refugees who have chosen resettlement will be starting new lives in the United States, Australia, Canada, and elsewhere," said a statement issued on Wednesday by US Ambassador to Nepal Nancy J Powell as Chair of the Core Group of Nations -- Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, and the US.
The Core Group has emphasized that the offer of resettlement goes hand in hand with continuing efforts to urge the government of Bhutan to accept the return of the refugees. "Repatriation and local integration are recognized by all of us as being equally desirable durable solutions," said Powell in the statement.
The Core Group nations and other nations have extended the offer of resettlement as a durable humanitarian solution for the refugees only after many years of attempts by the governments of Nepal and Bhutan to negotiate a repatriation solution, Powell said.
"I want to express our pleasure at the official opening on January 9 of the refugee resettlement processing center in Damak for the Bhutanese refugees," Powell said. The center is operated by the International Organization for Migration.
The group members have called upon the government of Nepal to approve expedited exit permits for all refugees who are eligible for resettlement and to establish for future use a standardized process for the expeditious departure of refugees who wish to be resettled.
"By the end of 2009, we hope that an additional 20,000 or more refugees who have chosen resettlement will be starting new lives in the United States, Australia, Canada, and elsewhere," said a statement issued on Wednesday by US Ambassador to Nepal Nancy J Powell as Chair of the Core Group of Nations -- Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway, and the US.
The Core Group has emphasized that the offer of resettlement goes hand in hand with continuing efforts to urge the government of Bhutan to accept the return of the refugees. "Repatriation and local integration are recognized by all of us as being equally desirable durable solutions," said Powell in the statement.
The Core Group nations and other nations have extended the offer of resettlement as a durable humanitarian solution for the refugees only after many years of attempts by the governments of Nepal and Bhutan to negotiate a repatriation solution, Powell said.
"I want to express our pleasure at the official opening on January 9 of the refugee resettlement processing center in Damak for the Bhutanese refugees," Powell said. The center is operated by the International Organization for Migration.
The group members have called upon the government of Nepal to approve expedited exit permits for all refugees who are eligible for resettlement and to establish for future use a standardized process for the expeditious departure of refugees who wish to be resettled.
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